How did your paths cross?

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In the early Nineties Pari was in a devastated and disappointed state as far as relationships were concerned as he was facing many problems around the issues of loyalty and real commitment. And Satyaa went at that time through a kind of personal doubting period and was busy with this. Both were in Lucknow at that time spending time with their beloved Guru Papaji. Both, each in their own way, first prepared themselves internally for their paths to cross. For Pari, it was the decision that if he was to be with a woman again, then only with someone whose love is dedicated to truth first. And it was clear to Satyaa that she no longer wanted to suffer from relationships and wanted things to happen out of love in their natural way. Although Satyaa hardly gave him any attention at the beginning and it also took some time for them to get closer, Pari, who was Papaji's cameraman at that time, happened to always have Satyaa in his sights too. Papaji also played an important role and you can hear more how he looked after them in this episode.

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