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The essence of Hearts on Fire

The essence of Hearts on Fire

25m 8s

For more than 20 years, Satyaa and Pari have been opening their doors in Corfu to share their dedication for truth and love. The original idea was to offer a combination of singing and Satsang outside of the context of a normal seminar house. It all started with a seminar called 'Garden of Peace'.
This episode unfolds why Satyaa and Pari encourage participants not to follow them, but to discover their own source of Trust, and what “Hearts on Fire” is really about.

Love is calling for love

Love is calling for love

15m 40s

The sweet love affair with Papaji was and still is characterized by a deep connection that cannot be put into words and at the same time it is not just connection because connection is based on separation.
Ordinary love affairs usually have a beginning and an end and need some personal involvement, but in this highest love affair possible all things disappear. It is like a duett of one. It starts with ‘me’ and ‘that’ and ends melting into One.

How to keep the fire of love in everyday life alive?

How to keep the fire of love in everyday life alive?

10m 10s

There are habits in everyday life that can nourish or diminish the quality of the relationship in a partnership. In this episode, Satyaa and Pari share how they nurture their love for each other. Especially when working together, it is crucial that not every professional matter ends up on the kitchen table. And believe it or not, but Pari never had a single day off from ‘work’ before he met Satyaa. He has learnt to appreciate quality time all the more. Here you can hear what habits the two of them have without making a concept out of it.

The decision to commit

The decision to commit

11m 59s

In this episode Satyaa and Pari share how relationships have to be understood in the light of our abilities to have a good time with ourselves first. This creates a deep commitment first to one self, which enables us having this commitment to others. Because most of our human problems are so called relationship problems, but being alone does not mean we would have a better time and being with someone will also not guarantee to have a better time. Both concepts are applied in a wrong way. They unfold a way finding the proper balance between personal freedom versus...

Surrendering to an open heart

Surrendering to an open heart

9m 49s

Satyaa & Pari provide in this episode some insights how to deal with possible fear of loss, which can arise in an relationship. With their experience they also share the difference between a holy and a human relationship. Because the other is never the reason for ones own happiness or unhappiness. There are some simple aspects, which Satyaa & Pari integrate as a couple in order to give, to listen and to nourish their time together. You can discover which aspects these are here.

The gift of being a woman

The gift of being a woman

19m 44s

In this episode Satyaa talks about womanhood because she misses a conversation about it in our society as no one really prepares us to be a mother, for the menopause or for the menstruation. Looking back she realized how the channel opened for all the music and creativtiy through the birth of her daughter Mira, which she was not expected before. Currently her body is going through menopause and she share how she is accepting the change of her body. At the end, she reveals which message she has to all women out there.

The source of a fulfilled love is the third partner

The source of a fulfilled love is the third partner

12m 24s

What is it that holds partnerships together? What is the common cause that carries a relationship through the rollercoaster of ups and downs? How do we deal with it when only one partner is interested in personal development and spiritual growth? These questions are examined in this episode.

It is dignity, which is a sense of value for oneself, to serve the welfare of a relationship. And especially if we do not betray this love affair with ourselves, we are protected and not devastated when a relationship doesn't go well or even breaks up.

Why do Mantra’s repeat? And chanting to Krishna!

Why do Mantra’s repeat? And chanting to Krishna!

8m 12s

Satyaa gives insights into how a mantra comes to her that wants to be expressed through music and how this process takes place when the mind surrenders to a mantra. Through her devotion to Papaji, she has experienced this quality of Krishna that still surrounds her today.

Devotion through music

Devotion through music

6m 14s

In this episode, Satyaa shares with us her personal journey of how she got in touch with mantras and why there is this phenomenon of not being able to stop repeating such mantras. And beware - there are also surprising side effects of mantra chanting, which Satyaa reveals at the end.

The foundation of a healthy relationship

The foundation of a healthy relationship

7m 59s

In this episode Satyaa & Pari share their open little secret how it happened that they are already 30 years together.
Apart from the fact that they were both seekers of truth, they also had their share of disillusionments and disappointments, but Satyaa & Pari were prepared not to expect everything from each other. Letting go of one’s own expectations and having this readiness to love out of fulfillment, which is the primordinal committment. It is this own love affair with oneself and above all a little pinch of magic, because not everything is in their hands. You can listen...